Golden Hour Otter Sign Walk


Sponsored by Harwich Conservation Trust, you otter join naturalist Andrea Higgins for a walk at the beautiful Bell’s Neck Conservation Lands to discover where river otters are living in Harwich. Search the trails for otter tracks, scat, and slides. Hike approximately three miles around the West Reservoir to find evidence of this elusive mammal while enjoying scenic views during the ‘golden hour,’ the time of soft warm light before sunset. You are invited to bring your binoculars for the hike as Bell's Neck is home to a diversity of birds and other wildlife.

This hike will cover about 3 miles across varying terrain and some incline. Recommended for ages 15 & up.


  • Tuesday, December 19th (2-4:30 p.m.): Sunset/Golden Hour (Postponed from Monday)

Each walk is $20 per person. 

Directions will be provided in your confirmation email.


Reserve your Otter Sign Walk!

Directions provided with your confirmation email receipt.
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Tuesday, December 19th (2-4:30 p.m.): Bell's Neck Conservation Lands
5 Remaining