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Please donate today to save 12.34 acres within the Red River Valley.

Protect the largest forested landscape left from one end of Harwich to the other between Route 28 and Nantucket Sound and help create a new nature learning center and expanded Harwich Conservation Trust office space.

After you select your donation amount below, click "next." You will advance to another screen, and if you wish, you can dedicate your donation by entering the name of the person(s) special to you.

Your tax-deductible contributions help fulfill the mission of the Harwich Conservation Trust to preserve land that protects woods, water, wildlife, and our shared quality of life. You will receive a confirmation email receipt for your online donation. Thank you for your support.

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Supporter $0.00

Associate $0.00

Patron $0.00

Advocate $0.00

Partner $0.00

Sponsor $0.00

Benefactor $0.00

Visionary $0.00

HCT pays a fee of 3.5% for each online donation. An additional donation helps offset the fee and allows us to stay focused on saving special places. Thank you for your consideration.

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